Refund Policy

Payment and Refund Policy

At Fatihly, your transactions for intangible products, PDF downloads, resource materials, and online content are securely processed through Paymes: A PayTabs Company, a safe payment gateway with SSL encryption. Rest assured, Paymes is safe and secure for using all types of credit cards and debit cards from different countries. Your details are not stored during this process.

Access to Courses

If you encounter any issues with accessing your purchased courses, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at with your transaction/payment details. We’ll ensure your product is delivered promptly and your access is granted as soon as possible.

Refund Policy

If you have issues accessing the course content, or if you think that the product has not been delivered as it was mentioned on the course page and you want to request a refund for an order placed, you would need to contact us via email at Please have your order number available and provide a reason for your request in order to speed up your refund process. Your request will be reviewed within a 2 days standard response period and we will notify you via email of the results. We reserve the right to extend the standard response time in exceptional cases with a prior notice to you.

We aim to review refund requests within a standard response period of two days and will notify you via email of the results. In exceptional cases, we may extend the response time with prior notice.

Refund Process

Refund requests are accepted up to 5 days from the date of placing the order. In some special cases and products, we may grant extensions to this period at our discretion.

If a refund request is granted by Fatihly:

Credit/Debit Cards payments will be refunded within three (3) business days.

Other payment methods will be refunded between five (5) to seven (7) days.

Updates and Amendments

Please note that Fatihly reserves the right to amend any information, including prices, technical specifications, terms of purchase, and product or service offerings without prior notice.